Neighbourhood Development Plan

The St Agnes Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group, in conjunction with St Agnes Parish Council has now been completed and adopted. These documents were created by a Steering Group comprising of four Parish Councillors, and local residents, all of whom were volunteers from across the Parish. The plan shapes how the Parish changes up to 2030, and beyond..

The Localism Act introduced new powers for communities in the form of Neighbourhood Planning. Communities have always been consulted in the planning process whether it be during the creation of planning policies or the assessment of planning applications (that are assessed against these policies). However, many groups have felt that this engagement is not meaningful giving them only a minor role in shaping where they live and work.

The Government responded to this by allowing communities to prepare their own planning policies and site allocations in the shape of neighbourhood plans. Through this tool they can actually create policies themselves which have real power as planning applications and appeals will be assessed against them. Approved neighbourhood plans become a statutory part of the National Planning Policy Framework

St Agnes NDP

Download the NDP full adopted document (pdf)

St Agnes Conservation Area Appraisal

Download the St Agnes Conservation Area Appraisal (2008)

St Agnes NDP Appendices

Download the appendices and supplementary document referred to in the NDP (zip)


Download the Local Landscape Character Assessment documents (zip)